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New post 1722777330

New post 1722777330

مرسيدس بنز C200: الفخامة والأداء في سيارة واحدة

تعتبر مرسيدس بنز C200 خيارًا رائعًا لمن يبحث عن الأناقة والأداء العالي. تتميز C200 بتصميمها الأنيق وداخليتها الفاخرة، بالإضافة إلى محركها القوي الذي يوفر تجربة قيادة سلسة وممتعة. هذه السيارة مثالية للتنقل بين الفعاليات الفاخرة في موسم جدة والاستمتاع برحلة مريحة على الطرقات.

BMW Z4: متعة القيادة الرياضية

إذا كنت من عشاق السيارات الرياضية، فإن BMW Z4 هي الخيار الأمثل لك. بفضل تصميمها الديناميكي وأدائها القوي، توفر Z4 تجربة قيادة مليئة بالإثارة. السيارة مزودة بأحدث التقنيات لضمان راحة وأمان السائق، مما يجعلها مثالية للتجول في شوارع جدة والاستمتاع بالمناظر الخلابة.

رنج روفر إيفوك: الفخامة والراحة في سيارة SUV

لعشاق السيارات الرياضية متعددة الاستخدامات، توفر رنج روفر إيفوك تجربة قيادة لا مثيل لها. تتميز إيفوك بتصميمها الجريء وداخليتها الفسيحة والفاخرة، مما يجعلها خيارًا رائعًا للعائلات أو للمجموعات التي تخطط لاستكشاف جدة. السيارة مزودة بنظام تعليق متطور يضمن راحة الركاب حتى على الطرق الوعرة.

أودي A6: التكنولوجيا المتقدمة والأداء الفائق

تجمع أودي A6 بين التكنولوجيا المتقدمة والأداء الفائق، مما يجعلها خيارًا مثاليًا لمن يبحث عن سيارة حديثة وفاخرة. تأتي A6 مزودة بأنظمة مساعدة السائق المتقدمة ونظام معلومات وترفيه عالي الجودة، مما يوفر تجربة قيادة مريحة وآمنة. هذه السيارة مثالية للتنقل في مدينة جدة وحضور الفعاليات الكبرى بكل أناقة.

مع تنوع الفعاليات والأنشطة التي يقدمها موسم جدة، من الضروري اختيار السيارة التي تلبي احتياجاتك وتضمن لك تجربة قيادة مريحة وممتعة. سواء اخترت مرسيدس بنز C200، BMW Z4، رنج روفر إيفوك، أو أودي A6، يمكنك الاعتماد على شركة إيسار لتأجير السيارات لتوفير أفضل الخيارات وضمان رحلتك بأعلى مستوى من الراحة والفخامة. استمتع بموسم جدة واستكشف المدينة بأناقة مع سيارتك المثالية.


Esarcar 04/08/2024

اكتشف متعة القيادة مع BMW Z4: مزيج من الأداء والفخامة

اكتشف متعة القيادة مع BMW Z4: مزيج من الأداء والفخامة

تعد BMW Z4 واحدة من أروع السيارات الرياضية المتاحة في السوق اليوم، وهي تجمع بين الأداء العالي والفخامة العصرية لتقدم تجربة قيادة لا تُنسى. في مدونتنا اليوم، سنأخذكم في جولة لاكتشاف مميزات هذه السيارة الرائعة ولماذا تعتبر الخيار الأمثل لعشاق السيارات الرياضية.

التصميم الأنيق والرياضي

من اللحظة التي تقع فيها عينيك على BMW Z4، ستشعر بروعة تصميمها. السيارة تتميز بخطوطها الانسيابية والأنيقة التي تعكس الديناميكية والسرعة. التصميم الخارجي للسيارة يعزز من جاذبيتها، بدءًا من المقدمة الجريئة وصولاً إلى الخلفية الرياضية المزودة بمصابيح LED عصرية.

الأداء القوي والمتميز

تأتي BMW Z4 بمحرك قوي يوفر أداءً رائعًا على الطريق. مع تسارع سريع وتحكم ممتاز، ستشعر بالمتعة والإثارة في كل مرة تجلس خلف عجلة القيادة. سواء كنت تقود في المدينة أو على الطرق السريعة، فإن BMW Z4 توفر تجربة قيادة مريحة وممتعة.

التقنيات المتطورة

تم تجهيز BMW Z4 بأحدث التقنيات لضمان تجربة قيادة مريحة وآمنة. تشمل هذه التقنيات نظام الملاحة المتقدم، وشاشة عرض كبيرة تعمل باللمس، ونظام صوتي عالي الجودة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتوفر مجموعة من أنظمة الأمان المتقدمة مثل نظام المساعدة على الركن، ونظام مراقبة النقطة العمياء، مما يعزز من سلامتك وسلامة الركاب.

الراحة والفخامة الداخلية

داخلية BMW Z4 تجمع بين الفخامة والراحة. المقاعد الجلدية الفاخرة والمقاعد القابلة للتعديل تجعل الرحلات الطويلة مريحة للغاية. التصميم الداخلي الأنيق والتشطيبات العالية الجودة تضيف لمسة من الفخامة إلى تجربة القيادة.

BMW Z4 متوفرة الآن في شركة إيسار لتأجير السيارات بجدة

إذا كنت ترغب في تجربة قيادة BMW Z4 بنفسك، فإن شركة إيسار لتأجير السيارات في جدة توفر لك هذه الفرصة. يمكنكم استئجار BMW Z4 والاستمتاع بتجربة قيادة فاخرة وممتعة على الطرقات. تقدم إيسار لتأجير السيارات مجموعة واسعة من السيارات الفاخرة والرياضية لتلبية جميع احتياجاتك.

BMW Z4 ليست مجرد سيارة رياضية، بل هي تجربة قيادة فاخرة وممتعة بفضل تصميمها الأنيق، وأدائها القوي، وتقنياتها المتطورة. استمتع برحلة لا تُنسى مع BMW Z4 من شركة إيسار لتأجير السيارات في جدة. حجزك لهذه السيارة الرائعة هو خطوة نحو تجربة قيادة لا مثيل لها.


Esarcar 04/08/2024

New post 1722430171

New post 1722430171


Esarcar 31/07/2024

The Perfect Driving Experience

The Perfect Driving Experience

In Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, you can enjoy an optimal driving experience. Riyadh is an ideal place to make the most of Riyadh cars that suit various needs. Whether you’re looking for a car for adventures, planning trips in the winter months, or for traveling and excursions in Riyadh, a variety of options await you.

 Adventure and Off-Road Cars:

Jeep Wrangler Leads the WayDuring the pleasant winter times in Riyadh, you can enjoy adventurous trips to the mountains and deserts. The Jeep Wrangler is a perfect choice for adventure and off-road enthusiasts. You can take advantage of its robust design and its ability to withstand rugged terrains and mountainous areas.

Travel and Desert Cars:

BMW and Mercedes for Luxury

If you’re seeking luxury and elegance, you can rely on luxury cars like BMW and Mercedes. These cars will provide you with a luxurious experience suitable for traveling and visits to upscale areas in Riyadh.


Desert and Tourism Cars:

Mini Cooper and Fiat for Daily Use

If you need a car for daily use and navigating the narrow city streets, you can consider the Mini Cooper and Fiat. The Mini Cooper combines elegance and compact size to easily fit your daily needs.


Sports and European Cars:

Fun Driving with Friends

If you’re looking for an exciting and fun driving experience with friends, sports and European cars will be an ideal choice. These cars will allow you to enjoy speed and athletic performance on the wide roads in Riyadh and beyond.



In summary, Riyadh city offers you a diverse car driving experience based on your needs and interests. From off-road adventures to luxury elegance and upscale facilities, you can enjoy everything in this wonderful city by choosing the right car for you.




Esarcar 01/07/2024

BMW 218-Get to know its specifications and prices-Esar Car

BMW 218-Get to know its specifications and prices-Esar Car

BMW 218 Overview

The BMW 218 is a compact luxury sports car that was first introduced in 2014 as a part of the coupe category. This car stands out with its distinctive and elegant design, as well as its excellent performance, making it an ideal choice for those who love fast and stylish driving. The BMW 218 includes many luxurious features, such as a spacious and comfortable interior and advanced technology that allows it to confidently meet the needs of users. In this article, we will highlight the key features and specifications of the BMW 218, making it an outstanding luxury sports car.

Features of the BMW 218

The BMW 218 is a small luxury sports car that belongs to the coupe category. It was first launched in 2014 and is known for its elegant and sporty design and excellent performance. The BMW 218 comes with a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine, producing 181 horsepower and 280 Newton-meters of torque. This engine accelerates from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 7.2 seconds, with a top speed of 226 kilometers per hour.


The BMW 218 features a luxurious interior with a modern and comfortable design, including sport leather seats and advanced entertainment systems with a large display screen and high-quality audio. The car is equipped with various modern technologies, such as a rearview camera and parking assistance system. The BMW 218 adds excitement to your driving experience with a suspension system that prioritizes comfort and stability on the road. Additionally, the car is equipped with rear-wheel drive to ensure greater driver control and maneuverability. In short, the BMW 218 is a versatile luxury sports car with excellent performance and a fantastic design, making it worth considering for purchase.

BMW 218 Models

BMW cars are known for their attractive design, advanced technologies, and excellent performance. The BMW 2 Series category offers a variety of models, including the following:


  1. BMW 218i Sedan: This is the basic version of the BMW 2 Series, featuring an elegant and sporty design and a powerful 1.5-liter three-cylinder engine that produces 136 horsepower, with front-wheel drive.
  2. BMW 218i Coupe: This version of the BMW 2 Series is sportier, with a small four-door cabin and an attractive design that allows it to accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 8.8 seconds.
  3. BMW 218d Sedan: This model features a 2.0-liter three-cylinder diesel engine that produces 150 horsepower, providing strong performance and high fuel efficiency.
  4. BMW 218i Gran Coupe: This version offers further performance and speed improvements, with a 1.5-liter three-cylinder gasoline engine that delivers up to 140 horsepower and can reach 100 kilometers per hour in 7.8 seconds.
  5. BMW M235i xDrive Coupe: This version of the BMW 2 Series is the best choice for speed enthusiasts, featuring a powerful 3.0-liter six-cylinder engine with 326 horsepower and the ability to reach 100 kilometers per hour in just 4.6 seconds.

These are some of the BMW 218 models, and some details may vary for each model and variant. Overall, the BMW 2 Series is a good choice for those who want to experience an impactful and high-performance driving experience.

Exterior Design of the BMW 218

The BMW 218 stands out with its elegant and sporty design. For example, its structure has tapered edges and a front end with sharp features, with elegant lines extending across the body, giving it a distinctive look. The car’s structure is adorned with a large front grille with the company’s logo in the center, sharp-shaped front lights, and a sharp beam of light to provide better visibility in challenging conditions. The BMW 218 features long, sporty doors that enhance the car’s sporty and elegant appearance. The car comes with large 17-inch wheels, with more than 10 wheel options to suit various customer requirements. The car’s structure enhances stability and control on the road through the company’s sports driving technology. Thanks to its stunning design, the BMW 218 is an excellent choice for car enthusiasts who want a sporty and excellent road presence.


BMW 218 Prices in Saudi Arabia

The BMW 218 is known for its excellent sports performance and luxurious comfort, making it one of the best options for small luxury car enthusiasts.

BMW 218 cars are available in the Saudi market with prices starting from SAR 170,000 and going up to SAR 205,000, depending on the different specifications and options.

In addition to its sports performance, the BMW 218 also features luxurious interior comfort and advanced technologies, making it an excellent choice for long trips and daily use.


For those who love the BMW 218 driving experience, Avis car rental service in Saudi Arabia offers BMW 218 cars for rent in Jeddah and Riyadh, with prices starting from SAR 280 per day. Customers can easily rent a BMW 218 through the Avis car rental website or by contacting one of the company’s branches in Jeddah or Riyadh. Customers can choose from various BMW 218 models, including specifications such as rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, as well as luxurious interior designs while maintaining the car’s sporty and aesthetic design.


Where to Find BMW 218 in Saudi Arabia

In conclusion, the BMW 218 is an excellent choice for enthusiasts of small, luxurious sports cars. For those who love the BMW 218 driving experience, Avis car rental service in Saudi Arabia offers BMW 218 cars for rent in Jeddah and Riyadh, with prices starting from SAR 280 per day. Customers can easily rent a BMW 218 through the Avis car rental website or by contacting one of the company’s branches in Jeddah or Riyadh.


Frequently Asked Questions About the BMW 218


Here are some common questions about the BMW 218:



  • What engines are available for the BMW 218?The BMW 218 offers a 2.0-liter gasoline engine with up to 189 horsepower with both manual and automatic transmissions.


  • What are the regular maintenance requirements for the BMW 218?The BMW 218 requires routine maintenance, including oil changes and replacing parts such as filters and brakes.


  • What safety technologies are available in the BMW 218?The BMW 218 is equipped with advanced safety technologies such as automatic emergency braking, rearview cameras, and lane departure warning systems.


  • What entertainment technologies and interior features are in the BMW 218?The BMW 218 features modern entertainment systems, including a navigation system and an 8.8-inch display screen, as well as high-quality audio systems.



  • What is the price range for the BMW 218?The prices of the BMW 218 range from approximately $36,500 to $43,000, and these prices may vary depending on different features and specifications.





Esarcar 01/07/2024

Come and get to know the top 5 cars in the world – Esar Car Rental

Come and get to know the top 5 cars in the world – Esar Car Rental

Cars are considered one of the most important means of transportation in the world, providing us with freedom and flexibility in mobility.

Among the many cars available in the market, some stand out and enjoy great popularity. In this article, we will take a look at the most

famous cars in the world, including BMW, Ford Mustang, and Mercedes, and discuss their manufacturing locations, prices, and features. We will also

explore their exterior and interior design to get to know their splendid design and advanced technology. When searching for the top 5 cars in

the world, several famous and desirable brands are mentioned, and I will list the top 5 cars globally for you.

 Toyota Corolla


The Toyota Corolla is manufactured in Japan. Prices for the Toyota Corolla range from $20,000 to $25,000. The Toyota Corolla stands out with its elegant and modern design, providing spacious and comfortable interior space. Its exterior structure is characterized by dynamic and stylish lines.


Ford Mustang

The Ford Mustang is manufactured in the United States. Prices for the Ford Mustang range from $30,000 to $40,000. The Ford Mustang is known for its strong performance and attractive sporty design. Its exterior structure features an elegant and distinctive design, known for the horizontal stripe on both sides.


BMW 3 Series

The BMW is manufactured in Germany. Prices for the BMW 3 Series range from $40,000 to $50,000. The BMW is known for its sporty performance and advanced technology. Its exterior structure features an elegant and dynamic design.


Mercedes-Benz S-Class

The Mercedes-Benz is manufactured in Germany. Prices for the Mercedes-Benz range from $90,000 to $100,000. The Mercedes-Benz is known for its luxury, comfort, and advanced technology. Its exterior structure features an elegant and luxurious design.


Tesla Model S

Tesla is manufactured in the United States. Prices for Tesla range from $70,000 to $80,000. Tesla stands out with its advanced electric technology and strong performance.


In conclusion, these famous cars represent beauty, performance, and advanced technology in the world of automobiles. They feature unique and elegant designs, providing an enjoyable and safe driving experience. Regardless of your choice, these cars will meet your expectations and make you feel proud and satisfied. We hope this article has shed light on some of the fantastic cars available in the market and helped you make an informed purchase decision. Enjoy safe and enjoyable driving with your favorite car.


Esarcar 01/07/2024